How to join us
First meditation
You are always welcome to attend one trial meditation on any Wednesday evening. If you wish to do so, please let us know your presence at yao.jue@taozen.se. Preferably at least one day before the actual session you want to attend, otherwise your spot is not guaranteed. You will then get a welcome e-mail that you need to confirm. Please arrive at least 20 minutes before the meditation starts to receive instructions (even if you have been meditating before).
This way, you will be made familiar with our practice and can ask any questions you may have. The first session is always free, but if you are interested in continuing, we will ask you to attend an introductory course with our Assistant Teacher/Mù Shī Yáo Xìan/Martin. Until then the fee is 50kr/meeting.
Introduction course
If you are interested in practicing Buddhism according to the Chán/Zen tradition and want to become a member, you can sign up for one of the Introductory Courses we hold every 4 weeks (see the calendar). It costs 300 SEK and includes a trial membership for the following 4 weeks. It is always held on Saturdays between 11:00 - 13:30. Course leader is Assistant Teacher/Mù Shī Yáo Xìan.
Please register here. The fee is preferably paid to PG 150 4554-5, please write your name and what it applies to. In case of late registration, you can also pay in cash in the 'Begging Bowl' or with card/blip.
In the course, which is also a workshop, we will go through "How does Chán/Zen meditation work in the Línjì tradition?" and you will try to sit in the same way as the monks in the Chinese monasteries do. We will also go through the temple routines. If there is interest, we will also look at what the Society can offer you based on your questions and wishes (in which case we will stay an extra hour). Welcome to an opportunity to change your life! We provide the tools, you make the change....
How to become a member (Malmö)
You who are interested in following the Buddhist Way
Anyone who wishes to "become a Buddhist", i.e. take refuge, is expected to become a member of the Society and to study the Dharṃaṃ (the Teaching) for at least one year by attending the designated teaching. One begins one's practice by attending the above Introductory Course.
Thereafter, one may apply to take Refuge in the Three Jewels: the Buddha, Dharṃaṃ & Saṃghaṃ. The Refuge Ceremony is held twice a year, partly in conjunction with the Vaiśākha Pūja/Buddha's Birthday which occurs in May, and partly during the All Saints' Day weekend in early November. This involves being given a so-called Dharma name (in Chinese), receiving a certificate, and wearing prescribed robes in the temple. The costumes - a "work/meditation costume", Robe & Kashya and shoes and bag - are provided by the temple for the purchase price, currently about 1.500 SEK. You then also become a formal student of Master Míng Bǎo.
Questions are answered by Master Míng Bǎo via e-mail: templet@taozen.se
How to become a member (Gothenburg)
As we depend on our members to exist, there is a membership fee to pay. The cost is 1000 SEK/ six months, half price for students and unemployed. The address is Ånäsvägen 21 (near Redbergsplatsen).
It is important that after trying out, you attend the above Introductory Course, in Gothenburg it is with Assistant Teacher/Mù Shī Yáo Shi.
For further information, call +46(0)70-412 44 74 or send an e-mail to yaoshi@taozen.se or glenn@petersen1.se
It is important to understand and accept the following
We follow a 1500-year-old Chinese tradition, both in terms of the practical application and teaching of the Buddha's Dharṃaṃ. This tradition has its roots in a 2,600-year-old Indian tradition.
This means that there are rituals and rules one should feel comfortable with. They are mainly there to provide a firm framework so that the tradition and method are not impoverished, and to give the practitioner security in their practice. When you are in the temple, you should think that you are in a Chinese monastery. That you are a (temporary) monk or nun.
For example, one should think about his/her clothing: avoid tights, short trousers, skirts, etc. Also tank tops. No deep necklines. No bare feet. You simply cover up your body. You should also avoid perfume/smoke, unnecessary jewellery and excessive make up. Mobile phones are not allowed. One also shows appropriate respect both to the teacher and to the members who have taken refuge in the Three Jewels - the Buddha, Dharṃaṃ and Saṃghaṃ. (Dressed in grey).
Important elements in our application of the Dharṃaṃ (Doctrine) are meditation, which we offer twice a week, spiritual practice through recitation of texts in the temple and associated humble prostrations, and practice in everyday life outside the temple. However, the individual member is free to focus on the part of the practice with which they are comfortable.
Regular membership costs 1800 SEK/six months; 900 SEK for students and unemployed. The money is used to run the temple. The fee is paid to PG 150 45 54-5 "Tao Zen". Don't forget to write your name and the purpose of the deposit! Ask how much you will pay before you do so.